Anniversary Celebrations

Event Type: Visit

07 Sep 2024

The event

For the first time ever in the Province of Somerset a light blues club is going to take over a lodge with light blue officers and perform a ceremony of initiation.

The event is very much open to all Freemasons and we very much welcome the support of all Brethren and not just the light blues.  However, we would like as many young & new masons in Somerset to join us for the ceremony and festive board which consists of a Nepalese Street Feast, cooked by a Nepalese Chef and 2 bottles of Nepalese beer!

If you are interested in taking an office or presenting some ritual, please get in contact with us. We are keen to see as many light blues as possible across the Province take part.

The cost

The cost is £37.00 which covers the Nepalese street feast, 2 beers with a small amount going to charity.

The Venue

Crossways Hotel in North Wootton. There is plenty of parking, rooms available for those that wish to stay, and probably the best stocked bar in Somerset. The lodge with tile at 17.00 with the Festive Board commencing at 19.00 carriages at 22.00.

You can contact Tom Beasley, Mike Norton or Craig Harding (or any other committee member) with any questions or to get involved by email at

You can sign up for the event herePlease do this ASAP as spaces are limited and we need to manage numbers with the hotel, and pay a deposit.

Timings for the day

The Lodge will tyle at 17:00
Festive Board 19:00
Carriages 23:00



All of the hotel’s rooms have been provincially booked for exclusive use, email: for more information on how to book yours.

How to book



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Visit to Somersetshire Lodge, London

Adair Club Annual Visit to Somersetshire Lodge in London
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Emergency Meeting - All Light Blues

This is a fantastic opportunity to visit Freemasons Hall and experience the splendour and theatre of a full Grand Temple.